Bardot Stars:


18 / 5 / 00 - Track listing and cover of "I Shoulve have Never Let You Go" is up. Click here to see it.

10 / 5 / 00 - Bardot's debut album is no:1! Congrats girls! "I Should Have Never Let You Go" is out MAY 29TH, it has a sreensaver, & the posion video. There is also going to be a Bardot video released. It is on the tv series Popstars, and will probably be priced at $19.99. But I'm un sure yet.

16 / 4 / 00 - "Poison" is at NUMBER 1!!! Yay! Congrats girls.

Also the confirmed track listing for the album is :
1. These Days
2. I Should’ve Never Let You Go
3. Higher Than Heaven
4. Poison
5. Missin’ Your Love
6. Down
7. Other Side Of Love
8. What Have You Done
9. Love Me No More
10. Girls Do, Boys Don’t
11. Holding On
12. Got Me Where You Want Me

11 / 4 / 00 - Bardot's debut single "Poison" was released yesterday in shops and I will have the chart possitions for you shortly.

4 / 4 / 00 - Bardot's debut single "Poison" is set to be released on April 10th. So make sure you keep ringing up your radio stations and requesting the song! Lets get it all the way!